News — clean eating

Ten Tips for Healthy Habit Changes.

clean eating healthy nutrition changes healthy snacking

Ten Tips for Healthy Habit Changes.

Whether you want to eat more healthfully, get more exercise, read more books (and watch less TV/phone time), or practice more patience, it’s easy to slide back into old habits. Try these tips for turning hopes into real life, permanent change.

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Paleo Diet Basics

caveman diet clean eating paleo snacks

Paleo Diet Basics

 The Paleo Diet is similar to Keto, adds in clean eating, and emphasizes an organic and natural diet. It’s based on choosing foods that Paleolithic hunter-gatherers would have eaten and basically does not allow foods brought to us through farming such as dairy, processed grains, or legumes. On the Paleo Diet you only eat foods that are naturally-occurring, nutrient-dense, and more in line with what our bodies were evolved to consume. What is the Paleo Diet? Also called the Stone Age, Primal, or the Caveman Diet, the premise behind these food choices is to return our diet to what early...

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